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Land at Finches Farm, Five Oak Green

Additional Facilities for Capel Primary School

Capel Primary School neighbours the land at Finches Farm on its western side.  The proposed development creates the opportunity to use some of the land to provide additional facilities for the school, including a three-metre-wide, dedicated off-road pedestrian and cycle route through the site linking the village with the school (the green arrow below).

In addition, we are proposing to deliver the following:

  • A new staff car park just to the west of the school, providing 30 spaces including 2 disabled bays.  This will ensure that all staff can park off the neighbouring roads
  • Additional land to the north of the school for pupil recreation and exercise, suitable for pupils to achieve ‘The Daily Mile’ – 15 minutes of running, jogging or wheeling at their own pace every day.

The design team are also currently exploring opportunities to update the main façade of the school.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Adam Robinson of SP Broadway on
07711 262 925 or at adam@spbroadway.com